The first activity I joined in this semester was the orientation night of dharma class which was held on 25 February 2014, 8pm

In common, people may think that getting into religion society isn't that right for them as they have other things to deal which they think that they're are more important.
I'd been to the orientation night for dharma class last semester, with just a normal mood, not intended to join at first,frankly. Personally,I'm not that religious, what I believe is, YOU DO GOOD AND GOOD THINGS WILL COME IN RETURN ( ya, sometimes things don't come back as you wish, but this is life ya ?)
Then when I saw the strong and nice bond between the committees and the existing members , I told myself that time, ya, this is my second home, I can really have the strong feeling of HOME SWEET HOME at here. Everyone is really very nice and then I told myself, being a part of them is also an advantage for myself to purify within myself besides 'surviving' in campus life. I mean, when you get tired , this will be the ideal place for a good rest in order to move forward.

Ya, we never forget to pose some in group photo session ! Feel the true happiness from us? =)
The event started with speeches given by our seniors and presidents

Xin Hui, the president and Wei Quan senior !

Teamed up with new members !

Welcome back,everyone !
Then, we were put into groups and one senior will be our guide for each group for this semester , junior called 小草 whereas the senior are 大树. It means that juniors are the grass who need to be nurtured by the trees ( seniors )
And ice-breaking session proceeded next !

Whoever get hit by the balls thrown by the host, the group will be penalized and be given some punnishment.
So, everyone was like very rush to avoid from the ball ! Very sampat ( ridiculous )somehow ! LOL

And my friend and I were hit by the balls and so we were given little punishment
Guess what ? We need to do some weird posing

Ok, let's smile widely before starting our punishment ! =D
Here goes..

HAHAHA, what say you ? I laugh whenever I see these...cute punishment, I suppose?
Then, we backed into indoor and continued the next game, everyone made a big circle throughout the lecture class and one will be charged to act and everyone followed, and three people stood at the center and pointed out the one !

The 3 members were guessing and everyone kept following the in charged one !
It's so much funny that the 3 were confused and kept looking at someone suspicious , and if he/she was the real one, then it was hard for he/she to change posing !! XD

Pei Cheng, my tree !
Acting like a monkey ?

Confused !!! =D

Seniors/ advisors featuring 文源师兄,陈爱华师兄,伟权师兄
And there were also songs sharing as well as dancing , song from 花儿乐队,《加油歌》, that was the most exciting part of the night, everyone was very enjoying dancing and we repeated for three times
The photographer was also joining us in dancing too !!
The event ended at 10.20pm and everyone left with a happy mood except suffering from heat since the air-cond was misfunctional that night, but you could see that we were still very enjoying the night despite the heat.
There are weekly meeting on every tuesday, 8pm
All of us gather and the seniors will approach us the dharma stuff
It's always good to know some, be kind and be good within one self.
L.O.P : I believe that good moral values are taught in every religion, I accept every kind of religion over it.
I know it's hard to always take this with us whenever you see unfairness or something bad keep
happening at you. What I'm trying to say is, you do good then only good things come in return, they may be very unfair return for those who don't . Just like Angelica Lee李心洁, she is also believe in buddha yet she is still the hot star now. Religion has nothing to do with your carrier, it doesn't mean you get into a religion then you can succeed like those successful one. And same to 刘子贤, former
ntv7 news' speaker, he admitted that he came into religion after he has been diagnosed with cancer
few years back, he has fought against the disease and now he's a successful entrepreneur.
So let's start our good future by being good, from one self first !

In common, people may think that getting into religion society isn't that right for them as they have other things to deal which they think that they're are more important.
I'd been to the orientation night for dharma class last semester, with just a normal mood, not intended to join at first,frankly. Personally,I'm not that religious, what I believe is, YOU DO GOOD AND GOOD THINGS WILL COME IN RETURN ( ya, sometimes things don't come back as you wish, but this is life ya ?)
Then when I saw the strong and nice bond between the committees and the existing members , I told myself that time, ya, this is my second home, I can really have the strong feeling of HOME SWEET HOME at here. Everyone is really very nice and then I told myself, being a part of them is also an advantage for myself to purify within myself besides 'surviving' in campus life. I mean, when you get tired , this will be the ideal place for a good rest in order to move forward.

Ya, we never forget to pose some in group photo session ! Feel the true happiness from us? =)
The event started with speeches given by our seniors and presidents

Xin Hui, the president and Wei Quan senior !

Teamed up with new members !

Welcome back,everyone !
Then, we were put into groups and one senior will be our guide for each group for this semester , junior called 小草 whereas the senior are 大树. It means that juniors are the grass who need to be nurtured by the trees ( seniors )
And ice-breaking session proceeded next !

Whoever get hit by the balls thrown by the host, the group will be penalized and be given some punnishment.
So, everyone was like very rush to avoid from the ball ! Very sampat ( ridiculous )somehow ! LOL

And my friend and I were hit by the balls and so we were given little punishment
Guess what ? We need to do some weird posing

Ok, let's smile widely before starting our punishment ! =D
Here goes..

HAHAHA, what say you ? I laugh whenever I see these...cute punishment, I suppose?
Then, we backed into indoor and continued the next game, everyone made a big circle throughout the lecture class and one will be charged to act and everyone followed, and three people stood at the center and pointed out the one !

The 3 members were guessing and everyone kept following the in charged one !
It's so much funny that the 3 were confused and kept looking at someone suspicious , and if he/she was the real one, then it was hard for he/she to change posing !! XD

Pei Cheng, my tree !
Acting like a monkey ?

Confused !!! =D

Seniors/ advisors featuring 文源师兄,陈爱华师兄,伟权师兄
And there were also songs sharing as well as dancing , song from 花儿乐队,《加油歌》, that was the most exciting part of the night, everyone was very enjoying dancing and we repeated for three times
The photographer was also joining us in dancing too !!
The event ended at 10.20pm and everyone left with a happy mood except suffering from heat since the air-cond was misfunctional that night, but you could see that we were still very enjoying the night despite the heat.
There are weekly meeting on every tuesday, 8pm
All of us gather and the seniors will approach us the dharma stuff
It's always good to know some, be kind and be good within one self.
L.O.P : I believe that good moral values are taught in every religion, I accept every kind of religion over it.
I know it's hard to always take this with us whenever you see unfairness or something bad keep
happening at you. What I'm trying to say is, you do good then only good things come in return, they may be very unfair return for those who don't . Just like Angelica Lee李心洁, she is also believe in buddha yet she is still the hot star now. Religion has nothing to do with your carrier, it doesn't mean you get into a religion then you can succeed like those successful one. And same to 刘子贤, former
ntv7 news' speaker, he admitted that he came into religion after he has been diagnosed with cancer
few years back, he has fought against the disease and now he's a successful entrepreneur.
So let's start our good future by being good, from one self first !
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