The Only One of A Kind
Hi, thank you for stopping by.The Only One of A Kind
I'm Mable Seah, you can call me Mable.

MABLE MAEVE is a blog site is fully managed by myself that mostly covers about my humble review on food, travel itineraries as well as a corner of expressing my own thoughts.
You could see that I don't update blog posts frequently yet don't be surprised that I actually started blogging since I was 15. On and off, I took hiatus and being inactive over here throughout five years, which included that there was once I didn't get connected to any social platform for around a year. Anyway, I made my official return at the age of 21 with everything new here.
The rationale of involving into the blogging circles is mainly to improve my mastery in English, both speaking and writing. This is actually a little drawback for most of the Chinese school students, hence I got into blogging in hoping to brush up on it.
I like writing and like to scribble a lot on wherever I could, simply expressing whatever that come across my mind. So I guess this is one of the reasons that lead me to blogging.
I regard myself as a newbie in blogging as I have a lot of blogging skills to master. Despite being a nine-to-five freshman, I always find my time to do little update on the draft whenever I log on here.

Let me tell you something interesting, I can only be myself in familiar environment. The best way to know me is through friends circle. I'm actually easy-going most of the time and to be honest, I'd turn into a socially-awkward one in meeting new friend alone.
Ironically, I could be quite close to the real personality of mine when my friends are together with me in meeting new friends. Also, you are welcomed to read 20 REAL FACTS ABOUT ME to know bits about me.
Do drop your comment under any blog posts to ask me anything about it.
Thank you for reading, once again.